Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Corona virus pandemic: Delivering healthy babies through IVF amid COVID-19


Being a mother is the greatest gift a woman can get. You are considering IVF treatment but are you a little nervous about the current Covid-19 situation? This is only natural if you have such feelings. The virus has affected the lives of almost every single person in the world and has hit the health sector hard. There is an article about planning a pregnancy in the current situation and how you can protect yourself from this virus.

There are many myths about corona virus and if you have chosen or planned an IVF treatment, you should not be distracted by such information. Many couples opting for IVF have now found themselves in a quandary, as the epidemic has either closed many IVF centers or postponed their services. There are patients who have undergone embryo transplantation and oocyte recovery and are not sure how their next visit can be safe.

Don't worry

As it is new to mankind, little is known about the effects of the virus on pregnancy and growing fetuses. But according to available statistics, the virus can never cause miscarriages, premature births or malformations in babies. This aspect is the same for natural and IVF pregnancies.

Who can opt for fertility treatment

According to the current guidelines, any couple who wants to have a child can get IVF treatment even in the event of this epidemic. Make sure you are not Covid-9 positive during treatment. Parents who have been infected with corona virus should not go for fertility treatment until they have completely recovered from it. Couples who have fully recovered from the virus develop immunity and can move on with fertility like other parents.

Even with this epidemic, couples need to follow the same general health guidelines as before Covid-19. It is suggested that couples should also take care of their immunity and consume immune-boosting substances like vegetables, nuts, fruits etc.

No impact on the fetus

In the early days of Covid-19, doctors were unaware of the side effects of this on the fetus and therefore often advised their patients to postpone the birth. But now the situation is different. Some women became pregnant naturally during this epidemic and it was found that there was no effect on the fetus and no one could be safe during this period.

Anxiety about catching this disease during pregnancy can really create fear in couples. But you can protect yourself from the virus by following the guidelines for regular hand washing, bridging social gaps and avoiding outside foods.

It is better to test

Before opting for IVF, a patient can take the Covid-19 test, as treatment is always better than cure. This test will show if you are corona positive and this will boost your confidence. If any patient is tested positive, he / she will be advised to abstain as per the government norms and proceed with the treatment once the negative test is done and the desired immunity is developed.

Final thought

According to virologists, the virus will remain in the world for some time to come. Women who are in their late thirties and are struggling to conceive should also choose IVF for this contagious disease. Therefore, they can continue their reproductive process as postponing their delivery plan may reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

The whole situation is overwhelming, but you should not lose hope and continue IVF treatment. If you have any doubts about the treatment or looking for treatment, you can always consult to doctor of SeedsIVF through video conferencing and learn about all the possibilities and opportunities.

Seeds IVF is one of the Progenesis IVF Fertility Center in Nashik. Our Mission is to provide affordable quality health care to patients also to understand the needs of patients and satisfying them with the standard of professionalism We are pledge to provide best possible treatment in an honest and transparent manner.


Seeds IVF and Fertility Centre.

Contact us: +919225669715 | 0253-2377272
Visit us: https://www.seedsivf.com/





Saturday, 12 December 2020

Why couples should opt for IVF

Infertility is having a significant impact on the current generation. Thankfully, modern science has given birth to techniques like IVF and ICSI to combat infertility, which couples expect to be successful in having children. To date, however, not everyone is aware of the effectiveness of such techniques. Hence, couples may be reluctant to make choices when looking for ways to cope with infertility.

This article discusses some of the reasons why couples should opt for in vitro fertilization (IVF) for their pregnancy and infertility problems.

What is IVF?

IVF is the fertilization process where the sperm outside the egg body is collected in vitro. The procedure involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovarian process, removing the ovary or egg from the woman's ovaries, and fertilizing the sperm in the laboratory.

Who can opt for IVF?

In vitro fertilization is a treatment for patients with infertility who are unable to conceive after regular methods of treatment, severe male factor and tubal factor uterine causes, single parent, sexuality, etc.

What issues does IVF address?

Traditionally, IVF has been used to help both men and women with pregnancy and infertility problems. In fact, historically, some of the few patients who successfully underwent IVF had lost, damaged, or blocked fallopian tubes.

However, many men with known and untouchable infertility problems have benefited from this procedure, especially when combined with intracitoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The ICSI technique targets and removes a single sperm from a sample and injects it into the egg cytoplasm for optimal gestation rate.

What are the treatment options for IVF?

It is a great secret that India is a place that offers world class treatment at very affordable rates. When considering IVF pregnancy, the procedure is 25% to 50% less expensive than in the rest of the world.

IVF pregnancies have made healthy delivery possible for couples around the world. With the right guidance, you too can become one of them. Remember that age is an important factor in IVF. When using an egg-laying or pregnancy bishop's representative secondary, the success rate may change. Consult your gynecologist or Infertility Doctor to find out which treatment is best for a healthy delivery. The Infertility Doctor in Nashik at Seeds IVF focus on the evaluation and treatment of infertility.

If you decide to pursue testing and treatment, you’ve been working closely at the clinic for a long time that’s why you need an Infertility Doctor who not only cares but also knows how to best help you. So here is the seedsIVF one of the best Test Tube Baby center in Nashik to help you.

Seeds IVF and Fertility Centre
Contact us: +919225669715 | 0253-2377272
Visit us: https://www.seedsivf.com/

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Best gynecologist hospital help and treatment in Nashik


A woman goes through various stages in her life. At this stage she also plays different roles; among many others the roles of a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law.

At these different stages, her body also undergoes various changes from girl to teenager. From an early age we are taught to put the needs and demands of the family before us. If we look at the women around us, we see her always neglecting herself while taking care of her family and home. For example, have you ever seen your mother get up and prepare breakfast for us, even if she is not well?

Among other doctors, a gynecologist is very important in maintaining a woman's health. A woman should not consult a gynecologist only when she is pregnant or giving birth. Nowadays there are many health problems that women experience and which should be taken care of for infections, cancer etc.

A person's body changes a lot during life, during pregnancy, during childbirth, during menstruation, menopause, etc. But usually a woman is hesitant to visit a gynecologist and even if she does visit, she usually prefers to visit a gynecologist.

Finding a good gynecologist hospital in Nashik is not very difficult now. Women are paying attention to their health and well-being. And there is a huge demand for obstetricians and gynecologist specialist in Nashik, including surrogacy and IVF methods on demand.

The surrogacy and fertility industry is booming in the city, so gynecologists are also needed. Not only for pregnancy or childbirth, but also because of the rapidly advancing lifestyle of cities, their eating habits affect their overall health. It affects the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, etc. where a good gynecologist is needed.

Like all other doctors we prefer to visit the gynecologist in the context of friends or close relatives, especially during childbirth. We consider their reputation, distance from our place in case of emergency, staff, facilities, etc. In the past we relied on oral reviews, but now we can read with the availability of various websites. Get reviews, their address and contact number, finding obstetrics and gynecologist in nashik has never been easier.

Looking for best gynaecologist? Now, Finding a good gynaecologist in Nashik is not very difficult .Women are paying attention to their health and well-being. And there is a huge demand for best obstetricians and gynaecologist specialist including surrogacy and IVF methods on demand.

So here at SeedsIVF, one of the best gynaecologist hospital in Nashik. We provide the highest quality of gynaecologic care to all of our patients in a caring, friendly, and compassionate manner. We have a team of reputed Gynecologist Specialist doctors who offer multiple fertility treatments for Test Tube Baby, IUI, IVF & ICSI, etc. Open 24x7 hours.

Seeds IVF and Fertility Centre
Contact us: +919225669715 | 0253-2377272
Visit us:


Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Is IVF truly a Hope for Infertile Couples?


Today, many couples struggle with infertility and find no truly satisfying solution. They are helpless and miserable because of the constant search for their child. Eventually, with the recommendation of doctors and friends, they turn to IVF as the only option.

What is IVF?

First of all, let's find out exactly what IVF is. In vitro fertilization can be a process in which eggs, female germ cells, along with sperm, male germ cells, are outside the body. This includes observing and stimulating the ovulatory process in women by completely removing the ovaries from the uterus and fertilizing them with sperm in the laboratory.

Is it safe?

It is a safe and effective treatment for infertility if taken by a trained and experienced doctor. Babies born with IVF have a lower incidence of birth defects than babies born with natural causes. Some common side effects can also be mild cramping, mild swelling, constipation or tenderness of the breast. But there is nothing tense about it. This is the neighbourhood area of ​​all methods.

How long is the process?

The IVF procedure has a predefined timeline of the event your doctor described to you. It all starts from the first day of pregnancy and extends to the final transfer of the fetus into the female body. This one cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. In some rare cases, the cycle may recur if the first time is not successful.

Will the baby be healthy after birth?

This has been a curious question for many new couples lately. Babies born with IVF are better and healthier throughout their lives. In fact, it is impossible to differentiate between a child born normally and a child born with IVF. Moreover, there are no specific health issues at the end of the day. So, there is nothing stressful about it!

Possibility of Multiples?

IVF can cause multiplication. There is always a chance of multiple births due to one or more implants. Your doctor will always ask you about the condition before the procedure take place.


Infertility can be a big problem in couples these days and often there is emotional stress as well. It is important to manage the emotional levels of both partners in a healthy way during the infertility process. It is common to experience stress and anxiety, but they contribute to some of the negative effects, such as decreased sperm count, reduced ovulation, and so on.

Therefore, couples should consult an experienced doctor and psychiatrist (if there is a problem with the psychological condition) for helpful advice. They will help you to understand this case and therefore possible solutions in the right direction. Getting help from relatives or friends may not be a good idea because personal situations are different.

A team of SeedsIVF fertility specialists, the Best for IVF specialist in Nashik, always taking patients as their relatives and providing the simplest advice. We take care of you and try our best to help you to have your own family. We have many options of fertility treatment available and suggest the easiest to our patients after a thorough examination.

To get medical advice from an expert and experienced doctor, contact the SeedsIVF specialist today. Our team of IVF specialist doctor in Nashik is always there to help and guide you as you travel towards parenting.

Contact us: +91-9225669715 / 0253-2377272
Visit us: 