Thursday 23 December 2021

Prevention of gynecological diseases is the body of a caring woman

 Gynecological disorders affect the internal and external organs of the female pelvic and abdominal areas. These disorders include dysmenorrhea (pain associated with menstruation), vulvodynia (non-chronic discomfort or vulva), and severe abdominal pain.

Almost every woman suffers from gynecological disease once in her life. Many gynecological diseases recur frequently and leave serious complications affecting reproductive health. They can also cause infertility in women. Understanding common gynecological diseases helps women prevent adverse effects and at least be less active.

General Gynaecological issues:


·                Ovarian cysts.

·                Pelvic pain.

·                Endometriosis.

·                Uterine fibroids.

·                Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

·                Acne and abnormal female hair distribution.

·                Genital tract infections.

·                Vulva and vagina skin disorders

Your body is preparing


It is important to do the following to get the best results from the physical exam part of your visit:

·       Make sure you don’t have your period during your visit; It is best to schedule your test one to two weeks after your period

·       Do not use other preparations two or three days before your test

·       Do not have vaginal sex or sexual intercourse for 24 hours before your test

·       Bring water to your vagina and anus (your bottom) before your test


Complete care of gynecological problems Obstetrics and gynecology are two surgeries involving the female reproductive organs. The gynecologist specialist in Nashik provides comprehensive diagnosis and management of a wide range of clinical pathologies involving female reproductive organs and provides advanced care to both pregnant and lactating patients. Common gynecological problems: heavy, painful period irregular & hellip; Continue reading Gynecology.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts contain a sac filled with fluid. Often they have no symptoms. Sometimes they can cause swelling, lower abdominal pain, or back pain. Most lazy people are harmless. If the cyst either ruptures in the open or causes the ovary to rupture, it can cause severe pain. This can cause vomiting or weakness.

Abdominal pain

Pelvic pain can have causes that are not caused by the underlying disease. Examples include constipation, pregnancy, full bladder, sexual pain, menstruation, or trauma.


A disorder in which the outer part of the uterus usually extends lines. With endometriosis, tissue can be found in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or intestines. The most common symptoms are pain and menstrual irregularities. Effective treatments such as hormones and oxygen surgery.

Seeds IVF and Fertility Centre

Contact us: +919225669715 | 0253-2377272

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Wednesday 15 December 2021

What is IVF Treatment and how can IVF help?

 IVF treatment or in vitro fertilization is the process of fertilization in a "test-tube" and the procedure is performed outside the woman's body in an embryology laboratory. Procedures are performed in a well-equipped laboratory with well-trained medical staff.

What is IVF Treatment?

IVF treatment or in vitro fertilization is the process of fertilization in a "test-tube" and the procedure is performed outside the woman's body in an embryology laboratory. Procedures are performed in a well-equipped laboratory with well-trained medical staff. This IVF procedure is performed by collecting sperm from the male body and at the same time taking eggs from the female body. The eggs are fertilized by advanced lab procedures and allowed to develop into embryos in an incubator in an environment that replicates the human body. This embryo is then transplanted into the uterus and transferred to the baby for growth.

Why can IVF help?

IVF can help with a variety of problematic factors that act as a barrier to getting a baby. IVF treatment can help because it helps to detect fertilization on a laboratory basis when the body is found to be unfit for fertilization. The fetus cannot be formed after a healthy conception. So, if pregnancy will happen then only the baby can be considered. Pregnancy occurs using the IVF method and is then transferred to the uterus of the pregnant mother. IVF in Russia involves many other treatments to recover female infertility with male fertility. In the past, women were considered the only reason for infertility, but now it is believed that men can also be the cause.

Facts where IVF may be used?

 Facts when IVF can be used when the number of sperm is low, the sperm has an abnormal shape and size and the sperm has low motility or may have defective eggs. So, after considering all these issues, IVF is carried out very honestly. IVF has changed the lives of infertile couples, gay couples, and single parents. IVF can be obtained by different methods.

However, the more you know what will happen next, the more your mind will be controlled. The protocol of each clinic will be slightly different and the treatment will be adjusted according to the individual needs of the couple, but there is a step-by-step breakdown of what usually happens during in vitro fertilization as well as the risks, costs, and so on. If your IVF treatment cycle fails.


In Vitro Fertilization Basics

IVF treatment stands for in vitro fertilization. In vitro means "in the lab" and fertilization means fertilization. IVF usually involves taking a large number of eggs (obtained through a transvaginal ultrasound-guide needle) and placing them in a Petri dish with specially washed sperm cells (recovered by masturbation).

If all goes well, some of the recovered eggs will be fertilized by sperm cells and become embryos. One or two of those healthy fetuses will be transferred to your uterus.

In some cases, sperm cells need extra help with the fertilization process. ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, can be used, which is an assisted reproductive technique involving the injection of a single sperm cell into an egg.

This can be done in case of severe male infertility, pre-cryopreserved egg, fatal (presentation) genetic test (PGT), or failure in the first stage of the uterus.

But before the egg can recover, the ovary must be stimulated. Without the help of fertility drugs, your body produces only one (or maybe two) eggs per month. For traditional IVF you need a lot of eggs. Injectable fertility drugs are used to stimulate the ovaries

However, this is not always the case. With minimally stimulated IVF (aka mini IVF), oral fertility drugs or very low-dose injectable drugs can only be used to stimulate a few eggs.

IVF Treatment is Indicated in Many Situations, A Few are Listed Below:

  •  Endometriosis

  •   PCOD, Unexplained infertility.

  •  Tuberculosis with damaged tubes/uterus lining.

  •   Repeated failure of IUI.

  •   Moderate of highly elevated ASA.

  •   Reduced sperm count and motility.

  •   The advanced age of the woman.

  •   The tubal transport mechanism is disturbed.

  •   Both fallopian tubes are absent, blocked, or irreparably diseased.

  •   High age (Ovarian reserve diminished).

  •   Premature Ovarian Failure.

  •   Hormonal disturbances.


Contact us: +91- 9225669715

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Thursday 9 December 2021

Laparoscopic surgery is as safe as traditional open surgery.

 These are some of the diseases in which surgery is often used as a last resort to relieve symptoms. Laparoscopic surgery in the area has not only helped improve treatment efficacy; Reduce the patient's level of discomfort and get an early discharge from the hospital. New equipment and technologies developed in the field have helped surgeons to precisely guide their movements during diagnosis and surgery.

Some laparoscopic procedures include:

  • Staging of gynecological cancer

  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus with or without cervix)

  • Myomectomy (removal of fibrous material)

  • Sterilization

  • Tubal reanastomosis

People worry about the cost of surgery, the need for blood, hospital stays, scarring, and many other things that make them reluctant to opt for surgical treatment. However, with the development of laparoscopic surgery and the technological advances made in it, people are now more confident of going against surgery. Laparoscopy center in Nashik employ some of the best laparoscopic surgeons in nashik and are able to provide excellent healthcare to patients Laparoscopic Surgery Center in Nashik, a special center for comprehensive treatment of anorectal diseases like hemorrhoids, constipation and hernia. Founded by Umesh R. Marathe. He is a renowned proctologist in India, and has performed most of his surgeries in Nashik for laparoscopic surgery.  Laparoscopy surgery center in Nashik is available in many reputed hospitals. Also known as minimally invasive surgery, this technique is preferred by many surgeons, as it reduces the patient's discomfort level and improves the healing process.

SEEDS IVF Center has been a very popular and favorite laparoscopy center in Nashik for the last few years. Seeds IVF is the first reputed Test Tube Baby Center and ART Fertility Center in North Maharashtra, we have treated thousands of patients so far, helped make their delivery dreams come true and helped IVF technology across Maharashtra. Seeds Hospitals and IVF Fertility Care Centers are equipped with the latest technological advances in general and laparoscopic surgery, and the center boasts an advanced center for general and laparoscopic surgeries. 

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Sunday 5 December 2021

Tips on how to treat nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy


The next thing that comes to mind besides the joy of pregnancy is "nausea and vomiting" when we hear the word pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting are taken as the story of pregnancy.

After experiencing morning sickness,

 Most women realize that they are pregnant. Although it looks normal and affects women in the first trimester, it can cause great discomfort, and if not handled with care, can put the mother and baby at risk.

Contrary to many people's beliefs, morning sickness can occur not only in the morning but also throughout the day. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT ain't for me either. There are several ways you can prevent this.

Get enough sleep: No, just 8 hours of good sleep. As a pregnant woman, you need more than sleep at night. Frequent naps should be a part of your daily routine. Get some rest when your body needs it.

Ventilation: Yes, I know you should like scented candles and comfortable rooms but your baby needs air and ventilation to stay healthy. The most fragrant scents can make you feel nauseous.

Say goodbye to spicy foods: We all like peppers and spices in our meals, but your baby doesn't like them. Eating lots of spicy foods can make you feel nauseous throughout the day. If you want to eat spices, mix them with solids.

Say yes to more vitamins: Having vitamins can never be wrong. If you feel weak, sick or nauseous, take vitamins at night. With vitamins in your system, your body will be ready to fight any morning sickness.

Ginger: Ginger is your superfood when you have morning sickness. Take it with your tea, green tea or even just water. Boil a cup of water, add crushed ginger, strain the mixture and drink it hot. It not only relaxes your stomach but also gives your mouth a good taste.

The tips mentioned above are only preventive measures and if they do not work then you need to consult a doctor.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any medication or medication so that they can give you proper guidance and advice about those essentials and options.

If you decide to get tested and treated, you have been working closely with the clinic for a long time so you need an infertility doctor who not only cares but also knows how to best help you. So to help you, Seeds IVF is one of the best test tube baby centers in Nashik.