Thursday, 22 July 2021

Myths about a test-tube baby and the IVF technique

 Over the centuries, technological advancements and medical procedures have changed the world for the better. Even though many people believe that in vitro fertilization is a recent development, it is interesting that the term test-tube babies were used as early as the 1930s. 

However, during that time, it was known as artificial insemination, not IVF. Dr. Hermann Rohleder discussed test-tube babies in his book published in 1934 by Panurge Press, in which the term was first mentioned.

This means that the notion that Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART) is an entirely new concept that hasn't been around for years is a myth. Even though artificial insemination was different from IVF and was in vivo, or within the body, rather than in vitro, like IVF, external fertilization methods are not a new concept in the history of medicine.

 Another myth surrounding test-tube babies and their procedures is the myth that they can't be birthed. Before undergoing this procedure, individuals must understand all its pros and cons. It is also essential to believe only in what your doctor recommends as a practice, or you can consult one of the best test tube baby specialists in Nashik, Seeds IVF. Among all test-tube baby specialists in Nashik, Seed IVF has the highest rating due to its state-of-the-art fertility center. 

Difference between Test Tube baby and IVF

Test tube babies and IVF are the same things. In-Vitro Fertilization, also known as IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization, was called test tube baby decades ago. Generally, test-tube babies are thought to be formed in a test tube instead of a woman's fallopian tube. A petri dish is a glass culture dish where the egg and the sperm are fertilized; the term in-vitro is used instead of "in vivo," which means inside the living body.

We have put together the following information to help you overcome test-tube myths:

Myth 1: There is no need to seek fertility treatment through IVF

IVF can indeed solve some of the issues associated with fertility, but not all of them. Several other techniques are also employed when trying to conceive, such as ovulation induction (OI) with medication, intrauterine insemination (IUI), etc. In addition to helping childless mothers develop, these procedures also allow them to conceive.


Myth 2: IVF is an expensive procedure and can only be afforded by rich people

While IVF is undoubtedly a costly procedure, there is no reason that the average person cannot use it. Unfortunately, IVF is not the only procedure that is more expensive. Additionally, despite advances in IVF, the cost has remained unchanged for several years.

Myth 3: Only young couples can undergo IVF

The age of the woman undergoing the procedure remains an important consideration, but IVF has proven to be just as effective in post-menopausal women as in younger women. Despite this, older women's fertility rates are sometimes lower, putting them at a disadvantage. To determine what is best for you, you should talk to your doctor.

Myth 4: A 100% success rate is achieved with IVF

Women under the age of 35 have a high success rate with IVF procedures. Infertility causes, age, and hormonal factors mentioned above influence whether the procedure is successful. IVF does not always work for everyone, so we cannot claim that this is the case.

Myth 5: Birth defects occur in IVF babies

A common misconception regarding IVF is that the babies born from the process have malformations or defects. However, IVF babies are usually delivered at the same level of risk as babies conceived by general population mothers.

Before starting a test tube baby, consult the best IVF clinic and only take advice from a doctor. You can contact Seeds IVF, which is rated as the best test tube baby specialist in Nashik. With over a decade of experience treating infertile patients, Seeds IVF is a test tube baby specialist in Nashik in all aspects of infertility treatment. 


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