Tuesday, 23 November 2021

More about intimacy and infertility

 The problem of infertility varies from couple to couple. Couples need to be emotionally balanced as this reduces the feelings of isolation associated with infertility.

Infertility can cause a lot of stress, but it also provides better communication links as well as the opportunity to build intimacy in a relationship that would not otherwise be given much importance.Test tube baby treatment in Seeds Ivf can be tried out to resolve an infertility health issue.

More about intimacy and infertility

The question is when a person is experiencing infertility, how does it work on intimacy? It requires conscious effort and thoughtful processing, but couples really have a lot of hope to try to get closer during infertility.

The formation of a family requires a certain amount of closeness between the two partners. However, while experiencing infertility, the process of conceiving a child can suddenly become more mechanical than intimate, more intrusive than romantic. The issue of reproduction becomes mechanical and sexuality is a task to achieve it. Intimacy is not fun.


Intimacy is a feeling of closeness, unity and emotional connection. Most often it is related to sex. Intimacy is expressed in different ways. Most women identify with feelings of love, affection and 'intimate' moments, while men focus on physical intimacy as well as sexuality. It is often built around open discussion.

Intimacy is expressed through words or actions and involves love, appreciation and communication between partners.

Infertility can drain a person physically and emotionally and therefore intimacy in a relationship is essential.

How to be intimate?

1. Receiving gifts

Gifts can express love. Gifts are a gesture of love to buy flowers for one's spouse or something that the spouse will love. It enhances the intimacy needed to overcome infertility.

2. Service laws

This love is expressed through action. One wonders what action can help a spouse? Cleaning the kitchen without really asking? Running a business for someone's spouse? Taking a bubble bath for one's spouse?

3. Physical touch

Physical touch also enhances intimacy. Try a hug or even a gentle kiss. These physical moments bring a lot of joy in addition to trying to establish a family. Being sexually intimate is not only related to sexual intercourse, but also involves being physically close to one's partner by engaging in physical activities such as touching or making love.

4. Infertility being highly stressful and demanding

It is possible that couples will find too much apathy in the love affair or will be robbed of it. Couples need to find ways and means to find happiness in a love affair and not just have sex for procreation. It is important that they be emotionally connected and thus enter into the physical aspect of the relationship.

SeedsIVF Hospitals is one of the top healthcare providers and best gynecologist hospital in Nashik. 

Contact us: +919225669715 | 0253-2377272

Visit us: https://www.seedsivf.com/gynecology-disorders.php

Saturday, 20 November 2021

What foods are unsafe in pregnancy?

 It is important to eat plenty of healthy, balanced foods while you are pregnant, but there are many foods that should be avoided:


Cured meats, deli meats, hot dogs, sausages, and bacon — until they are well cooked and steam-free. This meat may contain listeria, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning. Pregnant women are more susceptible to Listeria and are at risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth due to infection.

Raw or undercooked meat. Meat and chicken should be cooked until pink on the inside, usually medium-good to good.


Raw or undercooked seafood including crabs, oysters, mussels, shrimp, or ceviche. Fresh, raw seafood may contain parasites such as tapeworms and may also harbor listeria.

Smoked fish or spreads that contain fish — unless they are contained in a dish or casserole that has been heated to 165 F. These items also pose a listeria risk.

Large fish, including swordfish, shark, tilefish, king mackerel, and bigeye tuna. These fish contain high amounts of mercury.


Raw or undercooked eggs. Cook until egg yolk is set and avoid tasting raw cookie flour or egg yolks.

Cheese and dairy

Unpasteurized Dairy. Raw milk and raw-milk cheese can be contaminated with Listeria. Stir in clearly made cheese with pasteurized milk. However, the unpasteurized cheese that is cooked until hot and it bubbles everywhere is fine.

Consider fruits and vegetables

Typical salads. Salad bars, pre-packaged salads, and store-made salads — such as deli chicken salads जातात are best avoided. These foods have been over-handled, leaving the door open for contamination and may not be properly refrigerated. Also, avoid spoiled bagged salads such as crushed or chopped leaves.

Unwashed fruit or vegetables. Whether pregnant or not, it is always best to wash the product before eating.

Raw sprouts such as green gram, alfalfa and radish sprouts. Sprouts need warm, humid conditions to grow - even dangerous bacteria like such conditions.


There is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.


If you are pregnant, you can still get up with a cup of Joy, but limit it to just 12 ounces a day. 200 mg caffeine is the maximum amount that is safe for daily use for pregnant people. The fetus cannot digest the same amount of caffeine as you, so it is best to keep its intake to a minimum. Be aware that caffeine can be hidden in iced tea, soft drinks, chocolate and even coffee ice cream.

The Seeds Test Tube Baby Center in Nashik is the first & most famous IVF center in North Maharashtra. Its humble but successful start in 2018 and we have become the most trusted center in the field of infertility treatment. While maintaining the highest technical and ethical standards, we provide you with advice and treatments that will suit your desired outcome.

Contact us: +919225669715 | 0253-2377272

Visit us: https://www.seedsivf.com/

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

In-Vitro Fertilization - IVF Treatment: How it Works and Processes?


SEEDS IVF & Fertility Center is one of the best IVF Care centers in Nashik has turned into the seat check for giving extremely world class quality, for reaching an inexpensive IVF treatment and best team of Doctors.

SeedsIVF built up in 20,000 SqFt area & easily approachable from every corner of the city as well as Mumbai and Pune. Dr. Umesh R. Marathe founded Seeds IVF Care Centre in Nashik. He has worked with thousands of infertile patients over the last decade and is a skilled practitioner of all aspects of infertility care. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Treatment  was considered as a mysterious infertility treatment procedure from which ‘test-tube babies’ were born. Now Infertility and its various other treatments are very common and people are quite aware of the same. 

At Procreate the IVF procedure consists of a few basic steps, all of which take place during one menstrual cycle. Initially, fertility drugs are administered to the women to stimulate the ovaries so that multiple eggs develop and mature. The eggs are then removed from the ovaries by passing a needle through the vaginal wall under ultrasound guidance to aspirate the fluid from the follicles and pull out the eggs. This step is performed in an outpatient surgical setting under anesthesia. The obtained eggs are then placed in contact with the sperm in the laboratory dish to allow fertilization and embryo formation. Typically, one or two of the obtained embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus using a tiny catheter under ultrasound guidance. The remaining embryos will be stored or cryopreserved for future usage. The patient will be monitored for blood hormone levels about 10-14 days later to check for pregnancy.

The Cycle Before Treatment

The cycle before your IVF treatment is scheduled, you may be put on birth control pills. This may seem backward, aren't you trying to get pregnant?

Using birth control pills before a treatment cycle has been shown to potentially improve your odds of success. Also, it may decrease your risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and ovarian cysts.But not every doctor uses birth control pills the cycle before. Another possibility is that your doctor will ask you to track ovulation the cycle before. Most likely, she will recommend using an ovulation predictor kit. However, she may also suggest basal body temperature charting, especially if you have experience charting your cycles.

What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat?

When it comes to infertility, IVF may be an option if you or your partner have been diagnosed with:

  • Endometriosis

  • Low sperm counts

  • Problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes

  • Problems with ovulation

  • Antibody problems that harm sperm or eggs

  • The inability of sperm to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus

  • Poor egg quality

  • Genetic disease of mother or father

  • An unexplained fertility problem.


IVF is never the first step in the treatment of infertility except in cases of complete tubal blockage. Instead, it's reserved for cases in which other methods such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination haven't worked.


SEEDS IVF & Fertility Center is North Maharashtra’s number one State of the ART Fertility Center, we have cared for thousands of patients needing treatment to realize their dream of having a baby and helped pioneer IVF technology in the entire north Maharashtra. SEEDS IVF & Fertility Center in Nashik is one of the best IVF Care Centers in Maharashtra with an advanced IVF Care Center in Nashik for fertility problems.



Contact us: +91- 9225669715 / 0253-2377272

Visit us: https://www.seedsivf.com/

Monday, 1 November 2021

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

 If you think you are pregnant, you are probably looking for early pregnancy symptoms that you may be experiencing. In the early stages of pregnancy, your body may show some symptoms that may indicate that you are pregnant.

Take a step back, breathe and try to relax! Sometimes, putting too much stress or looking for specific symptoms can deceive your body into actually seeing those symptoms, even if you are not pregnant. Before assessing these initial symptoms, give yourself reasonable time to evaluate the normal changes in your body. It’s also important to understand that every pregnancy is different so don’t worry if you don’t see any of these early signs.

Missed period

Menstruation is the most common symptom of pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you should miss your next period. However, some women experience menstrual cramps or mild bleeding early in pregnancy. It can be detected if you become pregnant during implantation or your next menstrual period.

Mild bleeding or spotting is usually associated with implantation, when the baby begins to develop and attaches to the uterine wall, starting six to 12 days after conception. Some women experience cramping and some women do not.


Even if your baby is smaller than a peanut, the first few weeks of pregnancy can be draining physically and emotionally. Changes in your body can make you very tired. Early pregnancy fatigue is not the same as general fatigue - you may feel completely tired after a normal day's activities. The best way to deal with this symptom is to listen to your body and get more rest.

Swollen breasts

You may feel swollen or tender breasts as an early sign of pregnancy. You may experience these symptoms in a week or two after pregnancy.


This is a common side effect caused by hormonal changes in the early stages of pregnancy and increased blood circulation in your body. You can expect mild and frequent headaches.


It can start up to a week after pregnancy. Again, this may be due to hormonal changes in your body, but this is also the time when pregnant women also start to experience high sensations like odors. If you smell something that feels very strong or you feel sick, it is likely that it is due to increased sensation.

When to take pregnancy test 

Before any pregnancy test, you should wait until you miss your period. This eliminates the possibility that early signs of pregnancy may not be related to anything other than pregnancy. Also, think about your previous cycles: If you are very regular, you can tell when your period is wrong. If your menstrual start date usually changes every month, give yourself a few days before the test.

In addition, home pregnancy tests are most effective a few days after your period. So, if you don't have a regular cycle and you are giving yourself a few extra days for verification, add a few more days before taking a pregnancy test. That way, you can be sure that the test is just as accurate.

If the pregnancy test comes back positive, you are more likely to get pregnant. At this stage, you should schedule an initial visit to your ob / gyn office to confirm your pregnancy and learn more about your antenatal care plan.

If you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms, we are here for you. seedsIVF offers laboratory testing, ultrasound and comprehensive antenatal care with a team of dedicated midwifery and physicians.